Satire: Point/CounterPoint – Progmo/Exmo General Conference Analysis

Isn’t amazing how the same messages can drive completely different narratives!

Point: Conference Proved The Church Is Moving Left

by Calvin J Burke (Progmo)

The last General Conference was a triumph of progressive members of the church over traditional, conservative, Latter-day Saint perspectives.

There were numerous talks in which the right was specifically called out, with church leaders saying that we needed to be more kind, which clearly could only be directed toward my enemies of differing political ideologies.

Sure, Elder Anderson’s talk spoke out against abortion, but I know for a fact that he is the most stubborn apostle. If the others agreed with him, the handbook would not say that sometimes abortion was acceptable.

Plus, President Oaks, who has in the past trumpeted traditional values, clearly addressed right-wing members when he condemned mobs and judging people based on their political views. Even though some of my Progmo friends think his talk was also targeted at left-wing violence, just look at how #DezNat members responded:

“I feel called out.”

“I need to repent and be better.”

“This challenged my views, I have a lot to reflect on.”

They were convinced they need to change. Definitely a win for the progressives and members who question or think independently!

CounterPoint: Conference Proved The Church Is Staying Right

by John Dehlin (Exmo)

The last General Conference was a disaster for progressive members of the church seeking relief from traditional, conservative, latter-day saint perspectives.

There were numerous talks in which the right was specifically defended, with church leaders saying that we needed to be more kind.

I mean, Elder Anderson’s talk spoke out against abortion, and while I know for a fact that he is the most stubborn apostle… the others agreed with him, even if the handbook says that sometimes abortion is acceptable.

Plus, President Oaks, who has a past of trumpeting traditional values, clearly addressed left-wing members when he condemned mobs and judging people based on their political views. Even though some of my Progmo friends think his talk was also targeted at right-wing violence, just look at how #DezNat members responded:

“I feel called out.”

“I need to repent and be better.”

“This challenged my views, I have a lot to reflect on.”

Their brainwashing automatically kicked in. Definitely a loss for the progressives and members who question or think independently!

Brett Jensen manages The Ward Preacher. You can follow him on Twitter @wardpreacher.

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